The three luminaire bodies of our Cabiros designer ceiling light are somewhat reminiscent of floating torches. This gives it its special impression. Whether mounted on the wall or ceiling: Cabiros gives your room a radiant effect. One that additionally generates intensive moods. For the 2-watt LED light emits a light that calmly flows along, refracted a thousand times by the finely crafted glass elements. Should there ever be a mishap and one of the glass bodies be damaged, we guarantee unlimited replacement.
You can choose the aluminium parts of this designer ceiling lamp with its strong character in the colours alu silkpat, classical white or outlining black – just as you think best. The light can of course be dimmed. If you decide to mount the lamp on the wall, you can place the illuminants offset from one another, thus generating an even stronger effect. The glass elements can be turned around their own axis and can thus be artfully arranged.
Look at it, dream and enjoy life!
AXANA LINE: Die Universelle
Anything is possible – this was our top priority during the development of our Axana Line light rail system. That’s the reason for the extraordinary flexibility available to you when installing the light rails. Innumerable possibilities for connection – even in “slanted angles” – or curved according to your ideas – make this rail system so unique for your individual illumination. The light rail system can in fact be adapted to your rooms virtually without any restrictions.
The rail and its components
“Anything is possible“- true to this motto the Axana rail system is as flexible as you need it to be. We have had this system patented. The rails can be mounted upright or flat – as you wish. Around corners, slanted angles, narrow curves: Thanks to its variable connection tools and components as well as its flexibility, the Axana rail tolerates any movement. The rails are available in 3 different colours (alu silkpat, white and black).
The transformers
We have designed our transformers for you in a way that they harmoniously fit in the aesthetic appearance of your individual Axana concept. Whether you decide in favour of the extremely flat TSZ transformer, the unobtrusively round TBZ or the shapely half cylinder TAZ: You will hardly see the high-performance transformers and above all you will never hear them. Of course they are all dimmable, short-circuit proof and protected against current overload.
The lamps
Puristic aluminium luminaire bodies, glass elements or designer spotlights: Axana Line offers you a wide range of lamps and luminaires to implement your furnishing plans in an elegant, playful or simply cool way. All lamps can be freely shifted along the system rails and, if for instance your furnishing style changes, you can extend or redesign any way you like by combination with new Axana lights.
Suggested Lights
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